What combines View-Masters and theater arts for a unique experience? A Vladmaster performance!

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

We learned of this art a few years back when we were lucky enough to meet Vladimir herself, right here in our shop.

The synopsis on the website, explains the performances:
A Vladmaster performance is a simultaneous Vladmaster experience. Every attendee is given a viewer and set of disks and then led through the story by a soundtrack featuring music, narration, sound effects, and ding noises to cue the change from image to image. The CLACK of hundreds of viewers turning simultaneously fills the air. Mass euphoria ensues.

The stories range from the misadventures of a cockroach to a loose take on the Actaeon myth. All the reels are handmade by Vladimir herself.

Check out the Vladmaster website for more info here: https://www.vladmaster.com/

Here are more pictures from a performance in Australia:

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Vladmaster, View-Master, Performance, Art, Theater

Thank you to the photographer, Mark Gambino, for taking, and sharing these images with us!
And a BIG thank you to Vladimir and her Vladmaster performances! They are truly wonderful & unique!