Gift giving can be really hard. But, you know you have a winner when the person you didn't even give the gift to liked it the most. Easy for you, you know exactly what to get them on the next gift giving occasion.

This is exactly what happened when Michael made a custom reel for his girlfriend and sister in law. When they opened up their gifts, it was dad that was most surprised and taken back to his childhood days.

Michael sent us a nice email he called, "Christmas in the St. Nick of time." He told us:

"It’s likely to my fortune that my family spends christmas together after the actual holiday, so that things that are ordered to be delivered have a little more time to make it. Retroviewer managed to get things to my brother’s house SO FAST. Not only that, let’s just talk about customer service. After placing my first order, I realized that there’s no way I could just do one. So, I ended up placing a second order….but now I have to pay shipping twice :(. Not to worry, on a weekend even, I heard back from customer service that it was no problem. Retroviewer would put all the items in one box and refund one of the shipping charges. WOW!

Now onto the gifts themselves. After a great trip to New Orleans this fall, I was able to make retroviewers for both my girlfriend and my sister-in-law with pics from the trip (have to say the surprise photo of the SOL passed out at a jazz show after drinking all along Bourbon street got a funny reaction). They came out amazing and just like I remember having them as a kid. But the person who liked them the most? My dad. The look on his face was surprise and awe. He and his siblings all had ViewMaster viewers when they were kids. So, he’s so excited that he can now have pictures from his childhood made for all his brothers and sisters on a Retroviewer reel! I can’t wait to make more of these from family trips and more. And what a great gift for anyone when you’re having a hard time finding something. Thank you!"

Michael makes custom reels to commemorate his trip to New Orleans

*Do you have a great story to tell about your experience with our custom reels? Michael received a reward for sharing this story with us! Tell us your story and receive your reward too! Click here for details.