It's here! It's finally here!
We have the video of the How It's Made episode highlighting Image3D and the way we make our custom reels and viewers!

I know many of you did not have the Science Channel or the ability to see the show when it aired, so, here it is! Please enjoy! I know I have watched it about a million times :-)

Well, what did you think?
The whole shoot was so much fun! The film crew was here from 7am to 7pm...long day! It was a really cool experience for most of us here who have never been on a production set before (unlike Image3D owner, Rich Dubnow, who got to take 3D pics on the set of Michael Jackson's Thriller...among others!)

If anything, hopefully this video makes you even more excited to create your very own unique custom reels because now you know how we are going to make it for you! Don't you wish all the products you ordered had step-by-step process videos like this? Good thing for us, ours was shown on national TV!

Thanks for watching!