Everybody loves a custom RetroViewer!

Everybody loves a custom RetroViewer

We get tons of stories every week with people describing the heartwarming, exciting, and memorable stories they have about our product.

"I am writing to you to thank you (very, very much) for everything: I am so excited, the Retro Viewer is perfect!!"

"I just received my viewer set and reels, which was a gift for my wife. 1st Anniversary. It is the first time she called me "21st Century Cool" for giving her something so awesome."

"I ordered a set for my husband for Father's Day and was so excited about it that I gave it to him 2 months early. He loved it!"

Just to name a few...

Daniela gave her BFF a custom RetroViewer

We know that we make a fun product that creates happiness, buzz, and good feelings. So, why don't you tell us about them!? You'll even get rewarded! (see below)

Did you give a custom reel as a gift and got a great reaction?

Was your custom reel favors the talk of your wedding?

Did you use a custom reel to entice a business deal…and nailed it?

Did you earn an A+ on your school project that included a custom reel?

Do you have your custom reel with family photos sitting on your mantle for all your house guests to see?

Tell us about it!

Eurocentrum office complex uses a custom RetroViewer at their grand opening

We would love to use your story for our own personal giddiness as well as to share the good feelings and ideas on our blog for others to enjoy.

For submitting a story, we will add rewards points to your account to be used as a discount on a future order.

And for an added bonus, if you submit a picture or two that goes with your story, you will get an even better reward! Can’t get much better than that.

So, tell us about your custom reels, what you did with them, how cool they are, what everyone thought, how people reacted, and how they just make life better. The more details the better!


Submit your story by emailing us at [email protected] and let us know that you are sharing your story as part of the rewards program. Then, let all the details flow. Easy peasy!

**IMPORTANT: Please submit stories that include the product you have received, not how you intend on using it. We want to know what happened, that's what makes a GREAT story! (for example, if you are using it at a party, tell us what happened after the party)

Yearbook students enhance yearbook with custom RetroViewers

Need some examples? Here are some of our favorites:

Maid-of-Honor Proposal with a RetroViewer

Planet Wallywood Loves His Custom Reel and Viewer

Watercolor Paintings Showcased on a Custom Reel

Throwback Birthday Party Fun

A Proposal at Half Dome

Reaction to a Custom Reel Gift on Wedding Day

See all of them here.

The best Christmas ever with a custom RetroViewer

Helsinki Tagged uses a custom RetroViewer for tourism


*Stories must be about using our product and what happened.

*Discounts can only be used on future orders.

*This will be ongoing because we will always love to hear stories. However, we reserve the right to cancel this promotion at anytime.

Questions? Contact Us

The best reaction to a gift comes from a RetroViewer

Businesses love to use custom RetroViewers