Looking back and sharing the events of the year on a custom RetroViewer is a fun way to reminisce. And with each new year brings a new RetroViewer for Marsha's 3 grandaughters!

Marsha told us,

"I ordered three RetroViewers for each of my granddaughters ages 6, 5 and 3. I customized each one with photos from this past year. Each one was unique to them and the starting photo had text that read, “Welcome to 2019”. Each granddaughter had a different color RetroViewer. They loved seeing photos of themselves throughout this past year and sharing with each other. Their parents were equally delighted with the uniqueness of the gift and the thought and effort that went into it. I plan to create new reels from the Christmas activities and will add more for birthdays.
What a fun gift!

RetroViewers come in multiple colors!

*Do you have a great story to tell about your experience with our custom reels? Marsha received a reward for sharing this story with us! Tell us your story and receive your reward too! Click here for details.