When you've got a bun in the oven, do you just tell your friends and family you are pregnant? Or do you announce it in a super cool way?
We'd definitely go with the latter.

For a truly unique way to tell everyone you are expecting, follow these 4 easy steps:

4 Steps to a Special Pregnancy Announcement

Easy-peasy right?

Need proof that it works?

Megan and Michael told their family and friends they were expecting using a custom reel. The results? Megan says, "The reactions were priceless!! There were tears and screaming and it was amazing. I'm so happy I came across this product and got to tell everyone this way. And we will remember this forever! And our baby will get to play with it."

See the entire post and Megan's results- click here

Baby Announcement, Unique, Custom, Viewfinder, Reel, Personalized, Pregnancy