For retro Wednesday this week I think you will be learning much more than you ever thought possible about Hula Hoops!

The popular Hula Hoop was invented in 1957 when a visiting Australian mentioned to two young Californians that in Australia, bamboo hoops were used for exercises in gym class.

As soon as they heard of this new "toy", they began working on making a perfect hula hoop that would be easy to play with. Once they had the first prototype, they tested it on local playgrounds and found that it had the longest "play value" of any toy they had ever produced. (Info from Hula Hoops)hula hoop

When I was a kid I was obsessed with my hula hoop! And actually, as an adult, myself and fellow employee Amber, just got done taking a Hula Hoop exercise class. We learned some pretty cool tricks! And it was still as fun now as it was as kids.

How funny it is that literally just a round hoop can become so popular. It's one of those things that you think, "I coulda thought of that!"

Did you love your Hula Hoop as much as I did? What's your favorite Hula Hoop memory?